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  • RNDr. Peter Zamarovský, CSc. akademický pracovník ČVUT v Praze

    Cesta omylu je i cestou pravdy.
    The path of error is the path of truth.
    (Hans Reichenbach)


    I was born in Prague and I have been living here since. I studied physics at Charles University. After military service I worked at the Jaroslav Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences where I concentrated especially on problems of vacuum physics and adsorption processes. I have met several interesting people there (Rudolf Zahradnik, Břetislav Friedrich, Anna Hofmann, Štěpán Urban, Zlatko Knor, Michael Heyrovský, Vladimir Hanuš, František Tureček ...). Then I briefly worked in the development of ion implanter at Tesla Elstroj and in 1986 I joined the Department of Physics Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Czech Technical University (CTU).

    I deal with philosophical issues of physics and technology. I am also interested in astronomy and its history; I am a member of the Czech Astronomical Society. I have constructed several astronomical telescopes. I am the President of the European Cultural Club.

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