Activity on CTU
Czech Technical University in Prague
Lectures on Ancient Philosophy - in Czech (A0B16Fi1, X16Fi2)
Antická filosofie - do sofistů
Antická filosofie - klasické údobí
Antická filosofie - hellénismus, novoplatónismus, křesťanství
Ancient Philosophy, (AE0B16Fi1, Philosophy I)
Philosophy and Science - in English (AE0M16Fi2, Philosophy II):
1 Common roots of science and philosophy
2 The Role of language on the way of thinking and philosophizing
4 Ontological relativity, philosophy of mind
5 Is bio evolution part of Cosmo evolution?
7 Reduktionism, the corner stome of western thinking
Other - Digital Photography Course - in Czech (DIF)
Physical Thursdays at CTU
Historie astronomického dalekohledu