Not Published Texts
Zamarovský P., Atlantida, mýtus nebo skutečnost?
Zamarovský P., Hawking, God and dead philosophy
Zamarovský P., Text k vernisáži výstavy Ivy Hejdukové "Při úplňku" (The text for Iva Hejdukova´s exhibition opening)
Dagmar Krejčí, Peter Zamarovský, An Unusual Depiction of a Lutenist in Rekhmire´s Tomb in Sheikh Abd el-Qurna (Thebes)
- The subject of the paper is an unusual depiction of a lute and a lute player, which was found in the tomb of vizier Rekhmire (TT100) in the Western Thebes Necropolis. In the depiction, the lute is held by a young maid in a quite unusual vertical position, as if she were playing a contrabass. We discuss several possible explanations of what the girl is doing.