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  • RNDr. Peter Zamarovský, CSc. akademický pracovník ČVUT v Praze

    Cesta omylu je i cestou pravdy.
    The path of error is the path of truth.
    (Hans Reichenbach)

    Not Published Texts

    Zamarovský P., Atlantida, mýtus nebo skutečnost?

    Zamarovský P., Hawking, God and dead philosophy

    Zamarovský P., Text k vernisáži výstavy Ivy Hejdukové "Při úplňku" (The text for Iva Hejdukova´s exhibition opening)

    Dagmar Krejčí, Peter Zamarovský, An Unusual Depiction of a Lutenist in Rekhmire´s Tomb in Sheikh Abd el-Qurna (Thebes)

    • The subject of the paper is an unusual depiction of a lute and a lute player, which was found in the tomb of vizier Rekhmire (TT100) in the Western Thebes Necropolis. In the depiction, the lute is held by a young maid in a quite unusual vertical position, as if she were playing a contrabass. We discuss several possible explanations of what the girl is doing.
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